SmartCoding (SC): What have you been doing before you joined SmartCoding course?
Alexandra (A): I work within the market research and data analysis. I have decided to learn about it from a technical perspective and see if I can work with it. Someone recommended me SmartCoding. It suited me well because I am working full-time and the courses are in the evenings.
SC: You mentioned you are a mother of two kids and you work full-time. How did you manage to add a programming course to your schedule?
A: Over the last years I’ve learnt how to study fast and efficient. I couldn’t really quit my job and focus 100% on programming, so instead I have decided to study in a smart way, manage my time well and do as much work as I could during the classes and make my time there valuable. Also, I got a lot of support from my family. Basically, I can say that if you enjoy what you’re doing, you are able to overcome every obstacle – and I definitely enjoy programming.
SC: Could you tell us a little bit more about the course?
A: I’ve learnt a lot. I think it was good to meet our mentors who already work in IT and listen to their presentations. Even though I have some previous experience, it was great to hear about working in this sector from really talented and committed people. Programming-wise I learnt a lot, mostly Python, React and JavaScript and that made me to shape my career towards becoming Back-end developer.
SC: Is there any specific industry or product that you’d like to work on?
A: As I said, I am interested in working with data, so something like that would be nice. But I wasn’t thinking about anything specific. What I’d like to focus mostly on now is too learn programming even better through real projects. Hopefully I’ll find a company that will allow me to practise what I’ve learnt and grow.
SC: Are there any languages you’d like to start with?
A: As I’d like to deepen my skills in Back-end, it’s quite easy for me to choose. This type of programming is what I enjoy the most and I’d like to continue doing that during my internship and work later on.
SC: What are your expectations regarding IT job market in Sweden?
A: Facing difficulties is a part of being a Junior developer, so I expect it to be quite challenging. It feels weird to already have a career and start everything from scratch, but on the other hand I am learning fast and I was ready for that from the beginning. But after the guidance we received I hope I’ll manage and that the internship will help me to achieve my goals.
SC: Would you like to add anything?
A: I think the course was really good and people here are doing a good job. I am looking forward to starting my first job as a developer.