Aditro has been active in the HR admin industry for over 50 years. The team believes that people, not technology, is at the heart of what we do. By focusing on how real people think and act in the real world Aditro helps them get more out of their jobs. Through many years of experience and expertise collected by Aditro, it is now one of the leading HR and Payroll solutions brands in the Nordics.
In May 2018 Aditro became a partner company of SmartCoding. The cooperation began with the company’s donation of laptops and training materials for various student groups to use while studying at SmartCoding. In April 2019 one graduate of Junior Full-Stack course, Ina, has joined Aditro’s team as an intern and she has received and accepted a job offer after completing the internship.

SC (SmartCoding)
– Sofi, I remember that you were very supportive from day 1 when we first met at Aditro and you cheered for our cooperation. I highly valued all your efforts to establish relations and all the discussions on how this collaboration might evolve in the future. Also, your projects and tech team caught my attention as they seemed advanced and showing potential for co-work for our students.
When at the beginning of March we were finally ready with the first group of Full-Stack graduates that could join your tech team, you and your colleagues decided to see the junior developers’ profiles. Can you tell what were your recruitment needs back then?

SK (Sofi Klinkert, Head of People Operations)
– Aditro is always looking for skilled persons and competence within the software area. Since it is high demand for IT professionals in the Stockholm area it is important for us to find new ways to recruit and to strengthen our organization. Then Margareta contacted us:).

– Have you been collaborating with students before and if yes, how that impacted your company’s culture and teamwork, project work? What do you offer for students who join Aditro?

– Sometimes it is hard for an organization to allocate the time to welcome an intern or mentoring a student project but when we do it is always rewarding! You receive a lot of new insights, ideas and energy from the students and it always becomes a win-win situation for the company, the colleagues and the students.
The students that comes to Aditro are offered interesting and relevant task in a climate that is welcoming and supporting. We are a house of specialists within Payroll and HR solutions so there is much for the students to experience and learn. We also invite the students in our social activities such as after work ́s, parties etc. so that they feel included in the company.

– We all know there’s a challenge in IT as it comes to lack of women who are programmers. Can you tell how diversified is your tech team? Do you have any plans as it comes to having more female developers joining Aditro? And can you share your experiences as it comes to looking for women who are programmers?

– Aditro is striving and working actively in different ways to be an attractive Employer and that, of course, includes diversity since we know that the diversified teams are the most productive and well-functioning. We have in the overall organization a good division between men and women, approx 60% women and 40% men. However to find women developers in the labor market is more of a challenge and that is also why the cooperation with SmartCoding suited us well.

– While we were discussing the internship arrangements we asked you to prepare a project work description and based on that we suggested some candidates that we thought will be able to work according to the described requirements. How did the recruitment process look like on your side?

– Based on our project description SmartCoding presented a couple of candidates that matched our needs. Niklas looked through their resumes and had the interviews. It was a quick and smooth process.


– Niklas, I remember that the first candidate that you interviewed was Ina. What were your impressions after the interview?

NH (Niklas Holmström, Software Developer)
– Very positive!

– Your feedback about Ina after the interview was very positive and you decided to offer her the internship almost straight away. It’s already been over one month since she has been working with you and your colleagues, can you describe Ina’s tech contribution and how does the teamwork look like? How did the onboarding look like and were there any challenges?

– We have daily scrum meetings plus once a week we (she and I) do a code review together. She works in her own project (creating a dashbord for internal usage) and also take on smaller tasks in one of our existing applications. This way we feel she gets to come up with her own solutions (dashboard) but also work with already existing code. Both equally as important. As for contribution, she was productive from day one.

– Ina is a full-time intern, can you tell how the internship is arranged and if you provide any type of mentorship/tech support? Can you briefly describe the projects that Ina works on?

– She is working with us in our development team like any other developer. That means she can always ask any one of us if she has any quesions. On the weekly meetings she and I have we set up goals for each new week, go through her code, and discuss any questions she might have. These questions can vary from project specific, C# specific to just object oriented programming in general. She is creating a dashboard for internal usage. It is meant to give every one in the team an overview of tasks that need to be carried out for our customers. The applications is written in Angular 2+ and C#.

– Thank you very much Sofi and Niklas for the conversation and we hope we will be able to keep developing the cooperation in the near future.


Intuitive and digital Human Resource Management made in Sweden

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