Beginner Software Developer

SmartCoding has closed the application for the Beginner Software Developer course.

In our last course we aimed to mostly build programming foundations in C with elements of JavaScript and basics of web development in order to let the course graduates continue their education and to be skillful enough to join the upcoming junior courses.

Are you curious about learning how to code? Are you willing to sharpen your understanding of building the code that can be for example used for autonomous cars in the future? Or would you like to change your career and need someone to fill you with the right skills? Then we are really happy to load you with IT knowledge!

Next beginner and junior courses will open soon so stay tuned for updates.

What our students say

Bojana Full Stack Developer
I was an English teacher at that time, but I was always interested in technology so I decided to try out technology as a hobby and then realised how interesting it is.
Jasmine Full Stack Developer
At the beginning, I was thinking “No way we can do this!”, but then, in the end, I felt more and more confident. It’s been challenging, but very helpful for all of us.
Alexandra Full Stack Developer
Programming-wise I learnt a lot, mostly Python, React and JavaScript and that made me to shape my career towards becoming Back-end developer.
Adila Full Stack Developer
I’ve learnt how to be resourceful and search for information. A piece of advice – give it a go! Don’t give up and if you really want to do it, you’ll manage.

Frequently Asked Questions . We’ve got Answers!

I'm interested in your coding courses. Is it true that they are free of charge?

Yes, we offer some courses free of charge for female participants to support our mission of promoting diversity and inclusion in technology. However, as outlined in the participation agreement, there are provisions regarding potential fees if a participant decides to leave a course midway. These measures are in place to ensure commitment and make the best use of available resources, benefiting all participants.

We strive to maintain complete transparency throughout the application process. As part of this, every applicant is provided with the full terms and participation agreement during the final step of the application process. This ensures that she can thoroughly review all conditions before making the decision to join the course.

The basic information about the courses’ program is available on our website at “Free courses”.

The work on all new courses is ongoing so please follow our social media for updates about next courses’ openings and register for our newsletter.

Each course is different. Depending on the circumstances we either offer online or stationary courses

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